Public relations guy for Hafen city, you can see all the construction in the background.

The spot where we had a cup of coffee.

Greg at dinner last night. Raw fish, yummy.

I have really enjoyed the stay in Hamburg. We have been able to do a lot of sightseeing which is always fun.
Yesterday we had a busy day. It feel like a Monday, back to the busy schedule. We first started off at the Federal Institute for Training of Teachers and School Development. WOW, thats a mouthful. It was very interesting learning the similarities and differences as far as teacher training is concerned. I feel like we have a good understanding now how the German education system works. We have had four separate meetings on this issue and in three states. The education standards and practices vary in each state. Germany is very much in the midst of a reevaluation of their education system. I believe it is about time. If some of you want more clarification feel free to ask. We later went to the University of Hamburg where we listened to an expert on the history of the university and also from an American professor that works with Smith college. Smith college was the first university to offer a transatlantic partnership with the university. Now about 20 students from Smith study in Hamburg. Well as you all know I am fascinated with history so I enjoyed listening to the quirky historian discuss the history of the university. We then had lunch in the cool part of town. A place where the artists and writers hang out. Certainly had a different feel than the rest of the city, much more artistic. Our last activity was centered around environmental research. This company evaluates how much pollutants and chemicals are in certain produce. We learned about their goals and their hopes for the future. They produced a movie in the states that one of our participants Kristi saw. They would like for materials to be chemical free and reusable. Some of the information went over my head but I nevertheless enjoyed the presentation. At the end of the night we went to an incredible restaurant where every meal was served with potatoes. Potatoes are always good in my book. We once again had another great and busy day in Hamburg.
Today was much more of a chill day. Always nice in our books. We met with a man that works with the Korber foundation. The foundation was setup by a German man with boat loads of money that wanted to give back. He also wanted to give back to the US in appreciation of the Marshall Plan. The Plan by where the US gave tons of cash to Europe to help rebuild it after the destructive war. The foundation offers money to people that come up with ideas on how to help Germany in various ways. For example Big Brothers and Sisters were given money to start up in Germany. The idea is to work from the bottom up, people coming with the ideas rather than the government. There is also a foundation to help the elderly in Germany. After the meeting we were given about three hours to explore more of the city. Tom, Kristi, Emily, Henry and I went to an outdoor cafe and had a cup of coffee. It was nice being able to relax, enjoy the city and people watch. We then walked around the port and river and had a relaxing afteroon, as mentioned. Our last activity of the day was a discussion and tour with a public relations worker for a company in charge of the Europes largest urban development project. All I can say is that this portion of Hamburg is amazing and when done will be unlike any city in the world. I will be back. The name of this portion of the city is Hafen City, google it. The planning started in the early 1990s and construction has begun and will continue until 2020. I was impressed with the planning, architecture, thought and beauty of this area. I would love to live there, never will happen with the amount of money needed. However the area has many activities for people outside of the city. Gotta go, getting ready to go to our last dinner with our guides in Hamburg. Our guides have been great sources of help. Without them this trip would not be nearly as amazing.
Okay, Tim....you in Hamburg....me in Pittsburgh. You are getting a better overview of the school system on your trip. I have so many questions and things to discuss, I will have to wait until you return. Keep up the good blog. Take care.