What can I say? Oh I know what to say I have some amazing experiences when they are least expected. I got up early Saturday morning and got my train to Regensburg to connect to Prague. Got there in plenty of time was standing at the right platform and got on the train. One problem it was the wrong train, ok no problem. I get off and head down to the right train. A train employee is standing on the steps so I show her my ticket, she looks at it, shakes her head and the train proceeds to leave. Turns out it was the right train but she was not happy with my last minute arrival. Even the other train employees behing me were shaking their had, surprised just as much as I was. It did turn out I was not the only one to miss this train because I saw some English people waiting for the same train and they missed it also. Alright so I find another route to Prague and head to a small town called Schwandorf. Miss another train by a minute. So now I am stuck in this small town with four hours to kill before the next train. I am stressed because first off I am meeting Lucia and Peter my Slovakian friends and also Heather who is getting into Prague an hour later than my original train. I decide to take a walk and check out the small town. I end up hearing all this commotion and music so I of course head for it. I see these people in the center of town gathered looking at people on a stage. There is music being played and I am thinking good times. However I feel there is something strange going on. When I arrived at the train I noticed a lot of policemen some in special uniforms telling me they were no local billy bob cops. I ask in my excellent German Sie Sprechen English a young guy tells me he does. I ask him what is going on today. He then tells me that they are protesting against racism. I think oh how nice then he proceeds to tell me that is in response to the Nazis down the street who are organized. Whoa are you kidding me, after all we have just learned and all that I have studied about Germany. Of course I knew that there were still neo Nazis around but I just happened to stumble across this. I head down to wear they are standing. There are policemen all around and fencing separating the nazis and the people protesting the nazis. Well I play stupid and try to get into the area where the nazis are located. Of course I am not allowed in just like anyone else, worth a try right. Story gets better, just wait
So I go to the other end and see a large number of people organized protesting against the nazis. I was fascinated and enjoying the activists protesting against the nazis. They were shouting and singing go Nazis go, we don´t want you here. Eventually the nazis leave the plaza and head for the train station. Huh, do you know where this is going? I of course follow the crowd and head to the train station. The police are blocking off the train station because the nazis are taking the train back to the town where they came from. Of course the reason the police are there is that they are worried there will be brawls in the street. Well if you remember I have a train to catch and I have police preventing from going. Now to be honest I am not worried I have two hours. My whole thinking is I want to see these Nazis up close and personal. I plead with one of the policemen show him my passport and train ticket and next thing you know I am walking up to the train platform where the nazis are waiting for their train. What a incredibley awkward experience. Here I am waiting for my train surrounded by police and nazis. They are staring me down and I them. I am shaking my head and getting a little emotional thinking about how misdirected these people are and what they represent. They are talking about me and I am showing absolutely no desire to back down or look away. It helps when you are surrounded by police. None of them say anything to me however and pretty much leave me alone. One nazi girl walks by me and I swoop in. I ask her if she speaks English and she replies a little. And I attempt to begin my conversion of the misdirected girl. She tells me they are protesting against Russian immigrants in Germany and gives me the name of the town where I am standing. She then heads back to her crowd where they proceed to whisper about me. Crazy, Crazy experience. Missing the train happened to turn out to be an amazing cultural experience. Funny how things work. After an hour they board their train, police follow them and the town returns to normal. Very bizarre!
Hey, Tim,
ReplyDeleteWhat an incredible, ironic, coincidence for you! Now we have first hand account that the nazi's still exist.
And by the way, who is this Heather:-)
Have a safe trip home.....it will be great to see you.